One of the main reasons many people begin Martial Arts training is to have the ability and the confidence to defend themselves in an emergency. We all want the security that comes with knowledge and awareness of the dangers we may face in every day life.

We follow a unique Anti-Bullying and Self-Defence system that comprises physical and non-physical methods for dealing with danger and conflict. We realise that every situation is different and we strive to provide a multitude of options for as many different situations as possible! Out team is constantly researching and improving the system to give the best coverage we can.

Our Self-Defence system is not a separate class, but a part of our regular Taekwondo training. We always reinforce that students should only use Martial Arts for PROTECTION in NECCESARY SITUATIONS.

For young kids we focus on how to be confident and deal with bullies using strong verbals and Taekwondo skills, avoiding dangers, emergency situations and not becoming a target.

Older kids and teenagers will begin to develop their verbal and physical skills as the challenges they may face increase with the introduction of school dynamics, social media and bullies. Students learn physical abilities to deal with emergencies, but also work backwards on how to avoid encountering dangers if possible.

Adults learn a full array of physical and mental abilities, maximise their awareness and how to calm a situation through correct verbal language. Emphasis is placed on remaining safe, calm and in control of your emotions when faced with adversity and assessing what to use to remain safe and when it is appropriate.